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Statistical and biomathematical models for imaging data in cancer

SAVE THE DATE: April 7 and 8 2016


The Canceropole GSO club "statistics and mathematics applied to cancer" organise a conference on the modelling of cancer imaging data. Our main objective is to present different methodological approaches  in biostatistics or biomathematic in order to analyze imaging data in cancer. Different clinical issues associated to these developments will beexposed. The first day will adress clinical example in wich the data imagining processing is important, while the second day will be devoted more specifically on methodological approaches to model this kind of imaging data. 

This conference will take place in Bordeaux, the 7 and 8 of April 2016. Registration is closed

An area will be dedicated to poster presentation. The scientific committee will pay particular attention to young researchers and PhD students proposals. The call for proposals is open until March 2, 2016 (February 21st, 2016.)


Thursday, April 7, 2016



 2.00 pm:  What are the issues related to imaging ? | Nicolas Grenier (GSO imaging member club, CHU Bordeaux, FRANCE) and Michèle Kind (specialist, PBC Bergonié, FRANCE)



2.55 pm : Genomics and imaging data | Stéphanie Nougaret ( CHU Montpellier, FRANCE)

3.20: coffee break

3.40 pm : Determination of dose ct oxaliplatin adjuvant: validation of a dedicated software | Raphaël Tetreau (PBC Montpellier, FRANCE)

4.05 pm : New imaging biomarker for early detection of Alzheimer's disease | Pierrick Coupé (CNRS, Labri, Bordeaux, FRANCE)

4.30 pm : Methods of extracting spectral data IR images | Cyril Petibois (INSERM U1029, LAMC, Bordeaux, FRANCE)

4.50 pm : Poster Session


 Friday, April 8, 2016



3 / STATISTICAL MODELING of imaging data, population studies

 9.00 am : Imaging predictive markers for Therapeutics Evaluation in Oncology: Benoit Gallix (Director of Radio Diagnosis department, McGill, Montreal, CANADA)

 9.40 am : Measuring rumor response: Redefining enpoints based on lessons learned from clinical trials | Chaya Moskowitz (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, NY, USA)

 10.40 am : Imaging Data and RECIST criteria for the evaluation of tumor response, problems associated with the collection of data | Saskia Litière (EORTC, Brussels, BELGIUM)

 11.05 am :Tumor Growth rates and Radiomics to better capture therapeutic Activity in Cancer Patients | Charles Ferte (IGR, Paris, FRANCE)

 11.30 am : Tumor size evolution in randomized clinical trials: joint modeling approach and dynamic predictions | Agnieszka Krol ( INSERM U897 Bordeaux, FRANCE)


Friday, April 8


 1.30 pm: Best poster award

4 / BIOMATHEMATICAL MODELLING of imaging data, case studies

1.45 pm : Statistical tools for the construction of DCE-imaging biomarkers in cancer | Yves Rozenholc (University Paris Descartes, Paris, FRANCE)

2.15 pm : Robust extraction of tumorous vascular networks in high resolution 3D images | Laurent Risser (IMT Toulouse, FRANCE)

2.40 pm : Image processing for embryo cells | Emmanuel Faure (IRIT Toulouse, FRANCE)

3.05 pm : How imaging-based modeling could help assess the early therapeutic response of kidney tumors? | François Cornelis (diagnostic and interventional imaging service adults, CHU de Bordeaux, FRANCE)