Image 3 caroussel

Scientific Program


Scientific program


Wednesday 30th November
13:45-14:00 Opening ceremony
14:00-14:40 Opening session - Manuel Serrano 
14:40-16:00 New insights in cell death control
16:00-17:00 Poster session (1)
Nuclear bodies & phase separation in cancer   Translational research, from biology to the clinic   Health technologies
18:30-19:30 Icebreaker: Drinks & Posters
20:30-23:00 Speaker and moderator dinner, under invitation


Thursday 1st December
08:30-10:00 Heterogeneity & single cell
10:00-11:00 Poster session (2)
11:00-12:45 Innovations in intracellular targetting
12:45-14:00 Lunch
14:00-14:30 Afternoon Opening - Gregory Hannon
Genome dynamics & cancer   NanoCancer, new devices for therapy   Nouveaux dispositifs numériques de prévention
16:00-16:50 Break
16:50-18:30 Aging & stem cells  
Nouveaux dispositifs numériques de dépistage
18:30-19:15 Prestige conference - Evolution & cancer
19:30 Gala dinner, social event


Friday 2nd December
Cell signaling & Therapeutic targets   Radiotherapy & resistance   Nouveaux dispositifs numériques de prise en charge
10:00-10:45 Break
10:45-11:15 INCa Conference - to be announced
11:15-12:45 Urological cancers
12:45-13:00 Poster Awards - Closing ceremony
13:00-14:00 Closing cocktail


Wednesday 30th November

13:45 - 14:00 : Opening ceremony

Nadine HOUEDE, Scientific director of Cancéropôle Grand Sud-Ouest


14:00 - 14:40 :

  •  Opening session
    Chairs: Pierre CORDELIER & Claude SARDET
    • KEYNOTE SPEAKER Manuel SERRANO, Institute for Research in Biomedicine (Barcelona, Spain) - Understanding and manipulating cellular reprogramming in vivo


14:40 - 16:00 : Plenary session

  •  New insights in cell death control
    Chairs: Pierre CORDELIER & Claude SARDET
    • KEYNOTE SPEAKER Pedro FRIEDMANN ANGELI, Rudolf Virchow Zentrum, University of Würzburg (Germany) - Metabolic control of Membrane Redox State: A Matter of Life and Death
    • Alexandre DAVID, Institute of Functional Genomics (IGF), Montpellier - The aminoglycoside streptomycin triggers mitochondria-dependant ferroptotic cell death of tumor initiating cells


17:00 - 18:30 : Parallel sessions organized by Cancéropôle GSO Axes

  •  Nuclear bodies & phase separation in cancer / Axis 1 & Axis 2 session
    Chair: Guillaume BOSSIS and Fabian ERDEL
    • KEYNOTE SPEAKER Valérie LALLEMAND-BREITENBACHCentre Interdisciplinaire de Recherche en Biologie du Collège de France, Paris - PML bodies, from leukemia cure to biophysics insight
    • Jihane BASBOUS, Institude of Human Genetics (IGH), Montpellier - TopBP1 condensation: a targetable molecular switch in the ATR signaling pathway
    • Fernando MUZZOPAPPA, Centre for Integrative Biology of Toulouse (CBI), Toulouse - Identifying phase separation in nuclear compartmentalization
    • Liliana KRASINSKA, Institute of Molecular Genetics of Montpellier (IGMM), Montpellier - The cell cycle as a phase separation cycle controlled by protein phosphorylation


  •  Translational research, from biology to the clinic : Flash Posters / Axis 3 session
    Chairs: Marlène DUFRESNE & Fabrice LALLOUE
      • Aurore DANIGO, University of Limoges - Blockade of CCK2R prevents the onset of vincristine-induced sensory neuropathy in mice
      • Marine BRUCIAMACCHIE, Montpellier Cancer Research Institute (IRCM) - Synergistic effect of FOLFIRINOX with an ATR inhibitor on pancreatic tumor cells and its microenvironment - 
      • Boutaîna CHANDOURI-FAIZE, Control of cell Activation in Tumor Progression and Therapeutic Resistance (CAPTuR), Limoges - Cancer Stem Cell glycosylation markers: A promising biomarker for prognosis and disease progression
      • Jean DESCARPENTRIE, Bordeaux Institute of Oncology - Role of Furin in Colon Cancer Stem Cells Phenotype in KRAS and BRAF-Mutated Colon Tumors
      • Amandine DESETTE, Poitiers University - Biological and molecular characterization of cancer stem cells in brain metastases from colorectal cancer
      • Pénélope DESROYS DU ROURE, Montpellier Cancer Research Institute (IRCM) - Therapeutic efficiency of Fc-engineered human anti-cathepsin D antibody in mono and combotherapy in triple negative breast cancer
      • Alexandra FAUVRE, Montpellier Cancer Research Institute (IRCM) - Platinum-based chemotherapy induce inflammation via a non-canonical STING pathway independent on cGAS and interferon production
      • Alexia FRANCOIS, Bordeaux Institute of Oncology - Repression of protein maturation inhibits PD-1 expression and enhances tumor clearance and TILS : virtual ligand screening and drug repurposing approach
      • Elsa FRISTOT, Structural Biology Center (CBS), Montpellier - Programming lactic acid bacteria for cancer therapy
      • Tinhinan LAHLOU, Institute for Functionals Genomics (IGF), Montpellier - Unravelling the role of early dissemination in colorectal cancer
      • Chloé PORCHERON, Bordeaux Institute of Oncology - Sensitization of pancreatic cancer to radiotherapy and chemotherapy by proprotein convertase inhibition - 
      • Zeinab TARHINI, Control of cell Activation in Tumor Progression and Therapeutic Resistance (CAPTuR), Limoges - The Effect of Benzodiazepine and Benzodiazepine-related Drugs on Survival after Surgery for Colorectal Cancer
      • Marie BOUTAUD, Control of cell Activation in Tumor Progression and Therapeutic Resistance (CAPTuR), Limoges - Evaluation of a Metformin treatment on CRC cell lines and on a patients’ cohort exhibiting different stages


  •  Health technologies / Axis 5 session
    Chair: Anne-Marie GUE
      • Elisabeth BELLARDInstitute of Pharmacology and Structural Biology (IPBS), Toulouse - How intravital microscopy helps us to study cancer events
      • Dounia EL HAMRANIIHU Liryc, Bordeaux - Combination of MRI-guided HIFU, bioluminescence imaging and transgenic mouse model to assess efficiency of noninvasive thermal therapies for solid tumors and their microenvironments
    • Selected talks for "Ma techno en 180 secondes" (flash posters toutes technologies)
      • Chloé BESSIERECancer Research Center of Toulouse (CRCT), Toulouse - TranSipedia: a novel framework for large scale RNAseq data analysis with applications in cancer from research to diagnosis
      • Pawan KUMARLaboratory of Pathogen Host Interactions (LPHI), Montpellier - Estimating spatial distribution of oxygen and hypoxia in tumor microenvironment: a mechanistic approach
      • Florian COGONIInformatics Research Institute of Toulouse (IRIT), Toulouse - Involving the biologists in the design of in silico models
      • Chloé ROYETInstitut des "Biomolécules Max Mousseron" (IBMM), Montpellier - Fluorescent Peptide Biosensors Reporters of Kinase Activities: profiling signatures in human tumour biopsies through a multiplex approach for cancer diagnostics


Thursday 1st December

08:30 - 10:00 : Plenary session

  •  Heterogeneity & single cell 
    Chair: Julie PANNEQUIN & Mary POUPOT
    • KEYNOTE SPEAKER Céline VALLOT, Curie Institute (Paris) - Epigenomic evolution of breast cancers in response to treatment
    • Emeline BOET, Cancer Research Center of Toulouse (CRCT), Toulouse - Drug persisters arise from transcriptionally and mitochondrially distinct stem cell subpopulations in acute myeloid leukemia
    • Julie GIRAUD, University of Bordeaux, CNRS, ImmunoConcEpT, UMR 5164, Bordeaux - TREM1+ CD163+ myeloid cells are potent immunosuppressive cells and associate with poor survival in human liver cancer
    • Ghita CHABAB, Montpellier Cancer Research Institute (IRCM), Montpellier - Regulatory gamma delta T cells in solid cancer : characterisation, role and ecosystem
    • Juan-Pablo CERAPIO-ARROYO, Cancer Research Center of Toulouse (CRCT), Toulouse - Single-cell transcriptomics for a better understanding of tumor infiltrating heterogeneity


11:00 - 12:45 : Plenary session

  •  Innovations in intracellular targetting 
    Chairs: Sébastien BRITTON & Anthony MARTIN
    • KEYNOTE SPEAKER Alessandro CIULLI, School of Life Sciences, University of Dundee (United Kingdom) - Targeted Protein Degradation as a Cancer Therapeutic Modality
    • Eric TRINQUETPerkin Elmer (Codolet) - The use of the HTRF and AlphaLISA technologies to support compounds identification and characterization in Targeted-Protein Degradation
    • Krzysztof ROGOWSKI, Institude of Human Genetics (IGH), Montpellier - Targeting microtubule detyrosination activity of VASOHBINS as a new therapeutic approach for cancer and neurodegeneration
    • Francesco CALZAFERRIInstitute des "Biomolécules Max Mousseron" (IBMM), Montpellier - Novel strategies to study epigenetic mechanisms in cancer
    • Nicolas BERY, Cancer Research Center of Toulouse (CRCT), Toulouse - Targeting hard-to-drug oncoproteins with intracellular antibodies


14:00 - 14:30 :

  •  Afternoon Opening
    Chair: Hervé SEITZ
    • KEYNOTE SPEAKER Gregory HANNON, Cambridge Institute, Cancer Research United Kingdom - FOXC2 promotes vascular mimicry and resistance to anti-angiogenic therapy

14:30 - 16:00 : Parallel sessions organized by Cancéropôle GSO Axes

  •  Genome Dynamics & Cancer / Axis 2 session
    Chair: Jean-Christophe ANDRAU & Eric JULIEN
    • Pierre CORDELIER, Cancer Research Center of Toulouse (CRCT), Toulouse - Cytidine deaminase controls replicative stress and protects cancer cells from DNA-targeting drugs
    • Bérengère PRADET-BALADE, Centre for Biochemical and Macromolecular Research (CRBM), Montpellier - Targeting RUVBL1/2 chaperones in colorectal cancer
    • Cyril ESNAULT, Institute of Molecular Genetics of Montpellier (IGMM), Montpellier - Mechanical regulation of bivalent gene expression via the nuclear lamina
    • Claire VARGAS, Cancer Research Center of Toulouse (CRCT), Toulouse - The E3 ubiquitin ligase TRIP12 induces the formation of heterochromatin altering gene expression and DNA damage repair independently of its catalytic activity
    • KEYNOTE SPEAKER Gregory HANNON, Cambridge Institute, Cancer Research United Kingdom - A small RNA-based innate immune system guards the integrity of germ cell genomes


  •  NanoCancer, new devices for therapy / Axis 3Axis 5 session
    Chairs: Véronique GIGOUX & Olivier SANDRE
    • KEYNOTE SPEAKER Géraldine LE DUC, NH TherAguiX (Meylan) - From workbench to Phase 2 clinical trials : development of the nanodrug candidate AGuIX - history and perspectives
    • Yannick CREMILLIEUXInstitute of Molecular Sciences (ISM), Bordeaux - Where, when et how many: MRI for theranostic AguiX nanoparticles
    • Marie MORILLEInstitute Charles Gerhardt (ICGM), MontpellierPharmaceutical development to enhance small Extracellular Vesicles (sEV) therapeutic potential
    • Loubna LAIB, Cancer Research Center of Tououse (CRCT), Toulouse - Targeted thermal or mechanical nanotherapy of pancreatic adenocarcinoma


  •  Nouveaux dispositifs numériques de prévention / session Axe 4 diapositives
    Modération: Cyrille DELPIERRE
    • Florence COUSSON-GELIE, centre Epidaure et laboratoire Epsylon, Montpellier - Epidaure Market, évaluation de l’efficacité et de la transférabilité d’une intervention en milieu scolaire visant à améliorer les choix alimentaires équilibrés et durables chez des collégiens
    • Claire LAFAY-CHEBASSIER, Université de Poitiers et CHU de Poitiers, Etudes pilotes multi-méthodes évaluant l’intérêt d’une intervention musicale associée à un substitut nicotinique versus substitut nicotinique seul sur le craving lié au sevrage tabagique
    • Stéphane GUETIN, Music Care - Le soin par la musique : Music Care© un dispositif médical innovant dans la domaine de la prévention


16:50 - 18:30 : Plenary session and session Axe 4

  • Aging & stem cells
    Chair: Eric JULIEN

    • KEYNOTE SPEAKER Clemens SCHMITTJohannes Kepler University (Linz, Austria), Max-Delbrück-Center for Molecular Medicine and Molecular Cancer Research Center (MKFZ), Charité - Universitätsmedizin (Berlin, Germany) - Cancerstemflammaging – state/fate impact of cancer cell senescence
    • Jean-Marc LEMAITRE, Institute for Regenerative Medicine and Biotherapy (IRMB), Montpellier - A single short reprogramming early in life improves fitness and increases lifespan in old age
    • KEYNOTE SPEAKER Maël LEMOINE, ImmunoConcEpt (Bordeaux) - Stem cells, aging & cancer across species


  •  Nouveaux dispositifs numériques de dépistage / session Axe 4 diapositives
    Modération: Florence SORDES
    • Marie POISEUIL, Bordeaux Population Health, Dépist&vous
    • Nadim FARES, CHU Toulouse, Predict-O: Projet d'Evaluation personnalisée du risque et Dépistage Individualisé du Cancer - TOulouse


18:30 - 19:15 :

  •  Prestige conference
    • KEYNOTE SPEAKER Frédéric THOMAS, Infectious diseases and vectors: ecology, genetics, evolution and control (MIVEGEC, UMR 5290), Montpellier - Evolution & Cancer


Friday 2nd December

08:30 - 10:00 : Parallel sessions organized by Cancéropôle GSO Axes

  •  Cell signaling & Therapeutic targets / Axis 1 session
    Chairs: Violaine MOREAU & Guillaume BOSSIS
    • KEYNOTE SPEAKER Célio POUPONNOT, Curie Institute (Orsay) - EIF2A represents the central node of UPR-mediated cell death in high-risk medulloblastoma  
    • Olivier CALVAYRAC, Cancer Research Center of Toulouse (CRCT), Toulouse - Farnesyltransferase inhibition overcomes the adaptive resistance to targeted therapy in lung cancer
    • Thomas BESSEDE, Montpellier Cancer Research Institute (IRCM), Montpellier - Sensitizing the tumor microenvironment to immune checkpoint therapy trough monoclonal antibody-based therapeutic combinations in pancreatic cancer
    • Loélia BABIN, Cancer Research Center of Toulouse (CRCT), Toulouse - De novo generation of the NPM-ALK fusion recapitulates the pleiotropic phenotypes of ALK+ ALCL pathogenesis and reveals the ROR2 receptor as target for tumor cells
    • Frédéric LAGARRIGUE, Institute of Pharmacology and Structural Biology (IPBS), Toulouse - Towards new approaches to target integrins in immune cells: the case of tumor-associated macrophages


  •  Radiotherapy & resistance / Axis 3 session
    Chairs: Sandrine DABERNAT & Véronique VENDRELY
    • KEYNOTE SPEAKER Jean BOURHIS, Lausanne University Hospital and Lausanne University, (Switzerland) - Flash Radiotherapy
    • Véronique VENDRELY, Bordeaux Institute of Oncology (BRIC), Bordeaux - Radiosensitization of digestive tumors by bioactive food components
    • Jean-Pierre POUGET, Montpellier Cancer Research Institute (IRCM), Montpellier - Role of extracellular vesicles during bystander cytotoxicity and bystander immunity of Targeted radionuclide therapy
    • Elizabeth COHEN-JONATHAN MOYAL, Cancer Research Center of Toulouse (CRCT), Toulouse - Glioblastoma heterogeneity : a model for resistance


  •  Nouveaux dispositifs numériques de prise en charge / session Axe 4 diapositives
    Modération: Silviane DARQUY 
    • Rémi IZOULET, CHU Toulouse - Un robot d’assistance sociale auprès d’enfants hospitalisés en isolement protecteur
    • Hélène BUCHE, laboratoire Epsylon, La réalité virtuelle : un outil de soutien pertinent dans la relation de soins en chimiothérapie ?
    • Clément SICARD, Thess Corporate, Thess : Dispositif de sécurisation et délivrance des traitements oraux


11:00 - 11:15 :

  •  Institut National du Cancer conference


11:15 - 12:45: Plenary session

  • Urological cancers
    Chair: Nadine HOUEDE  

    • KEYNOTE SPEAKER Andrea ALIMONTI, ETH Zurich (Switzerland) - Novel drivers of castration-resistant prostate cancer
    • Guilhem ROUBAUD, Bergonié Institute (Bordeaux) - Prostate cancers and immunotherapies : hot or cold tumors?
    • Philippe POURQUIER, Cancer Research Institute of Montpellier (IRCM), Montpellier - The role of PXR (Pregnane X receptor) and drug metabolism in the resistance of castration-resistant prostate cancers to kinase inhibitors
    • Delphine MILHAS,  Institute of Pharmacology and Structural Biology (IPBS), Toulouse - Collagen remodeling leads to inflammation-free expansion of periprostatic adipose tissue and promotes prostate cancer progression
    • Fatima ALHOURANI, Montpellier Cancer Research Institute (IRCM), Montpellier - Molecular characterization of the combined chemotherapy of SUV4-20h epigenetic enzymes inhibitor with Topoisomerase II poisons in metastatic prostate cancer