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Lettre n°257 - 08 juillet 2024

Canceropole-GSO 20th Annual Meeting Canceropole Grand Sud-Ouest - 20-22 november, Perpignan

Canceropole-GSO  Opening registration / call for abstract

Early bird : September 13
Late bird : October 25 

A key event for researchers and clinicians in the Greater South-West (GSO), the Annual Meeting is the place to meet and discuss about programs and strategic axes of the Canceropole. This meeting fosters the network between scientific communities and helps build strong collaborations and new projects.

The 20th Annual Meeting of the Canceropole GSO will take place from November 20th to 22nd at the Congress Center of Perpignan

  • Discover the work of renowned international keynote speakers and researchers & clinicians from the GSO during the numerous plenary and parallel sessions;
  • Oral communications and posters will allow researchers & clinicians from the GSO to present their last results, technological platform offers and industrial partnerships;
  • A "Young Scientists" poster competition - only for PhD students, post-docs and residents. 

The "Young Scientist" poster competition is carried out with the support of :     

NEW: to limit our ecological footprint, we organize a bus transportation from Bordeaux, Toulouse and Montpellier.


Download the poster HD / PDF
  Scientific program  
  Congress venue  


Canceropole-GSO 5 Avenue Irène Joliot-Curie
31100 Toulouse
Tél : (+33) 6 03 01 39 22