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Preliminary program

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Wednesday 15th November
14:00-16:00 Cell cycle and cancer   Therapeutic targeting, tumor vectorization   Dépistage
16:00-17:00 Poster session (1)
17:00-19:00 Chromatin dynamics and cancer   Therapeutic targeting, tumor vectorization, radiotherapy   Relation médecin malade et prise en charge (1)
20:00-23:00 Speakers and moderators diner


Thursday 16th November
8:30-10:30 The different sides of tumor heterogeneity  
10:30-11:00 Pause
11:00-12:30 Single Cell technology   Relation médecin malade et prise en charge (2)
12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:30 Poster session (2)
14:30-16:00 Precision medicine: to go where ? (1)   Chronicité et guérison
16:30-18:30 Precision medicine: to go where ? (2)    
20:00 Departure for Gala diner


Friday 17th November
8:30-10:15 Tumor niche and microenvironment   High-resolution imaging & Cancer    
10:15-10:45 Pause    
10:45-12:15 Metastatic disease    
12:15-12:30 Poster session award - Closing ceremony    
12:30-13:30 Lunch    



Wednesday 15th November - 3 parallel workshops:

Parallel sessions organized by Axis 2 - Genome Dynamics and cancer

  • 14:00 - 16:00 : Cell cycle and cancer
    Chairs: Malik LUTZMANN, Martin TEICHMANN

    • KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Daniele FACHINETTICurie Institute (Paris) - Lecture: Revealing the consequences of human centromere dysfunction
    • Anna CASTROMontpellier Cell Biology Research Center (Montpellier) - A new pathway controlling DNA replication in human cells
    • Derek McCUSKER, Biochemistry and Cellular Genetics Institute & IECB (Bordeaux) - Self-organization during cell cycle-dependent polarity axis establishment
    • Dorian LARRIEU, Cancer Research Center of Toulouse (Toulouse) - A new role for the E3 ubiquitin ligase TRIP12 in mitosis and genomic stability in human pancreatic cancer
    • Jean-Paul JAVERZAT, Biochemistry and Cellular Genetics Institute (Bordeaux) - A novel mode of sister chromatid cohesion controlled by cohesin phosphorylation

  • 16:30 - 18:30 : Chromatin dynamics and cancer
    Chairs: Kerstin BYSTRICKY, Stefania MILLEVOI 
    • KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Sophie POLOEpigenetics and Cell Fate Center (Paris) - Lecture: Epigenome maintenance in response to DNA damage
    • Jean-Christophe ANDRAUInstitute of Molecular Genetics of Montpellier (Montpellier) - Transcription termination and genome organisation
    • Kerstin BYSTRICKY, Laboratory of Eukaryotic Molecular Biology / Integrative Biology Center (Toulouse) - Quantitative analysis of chromatin complexes dynamics at sub-diffraction resolution during transcription
    • Jérémie RISPAL, Laboratory of Eukaryotic Molecular Biology / Integrative Biology Center (Toulouse) - An epistatic relationship between CDX2 and histone variant H2A.Z controls the intestinal epithelial cell fate
    • Eric PINAUD, Control of B Immune Response and Lymphoproliferations (Limoges) - Implication of Nuclear Matrix Attachment Regions and their binding proteins in targeting AID-driven "off target" mutations


Parallel sessions organized by Axis 3 - Translational Research, from Biology to Clinical Research and Axis 5 - Health technologies

  • 14:00 - 16:00 : Therapeutic targeting, tumor vectorization
    Chairs: Véronique GIGOUX, Vincent SOL 
    • KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Gert STORMUtrecht University (Netherlands)Lecture : Targeted particulate nanomedicines in oncology: current status and way forward
    • Sébastien PAPOT, Institute of Chemistry: Mediums and Natural Resources (Poitiers) - From Molecular Programming to the Selective Delivery of Anticancer Drugs
    • Christophe GROSSET, Biotherapy for getetic diseases, inflammation and cancer (Bordeaux) - New insights into diagnosis and therapeutic options for proliferative hepatoblastoma
    • Audrey FRANCES, Cancer Research Center of Toulouse (Toulouse) - Exploring a new function for cytidine deaminase in pancreatic cancer metabolism
    • François GUILHOT, University Hospital (Poitiers) - Cytogenetic, molecular responses and survival improvement in chronic myeloid leukemia patients in chronic phase over a 20 years period of research

  • 16:30 - 18:30 : Therapeutic targeting, tumor vectorization and radiotherapy
    Chairs: Carmen LLACER, Guy KANTOR 
    • KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Elif HINDIEUniversity Hospital (Bordeaux) - Lecture: The theranostic "Image and Treat" approach in nuclear medicine
    • Mikaela DIMITRIUNanobiotix (Paris) - Hafnium oxide nanoparticles as an emergent promising treatment for solid tumors
    • Camille VERRYUniversity Hospital (Grenoble) - Phase I clinical trial for radiosensitization of multiple brain metastases with AGuIX nanoparticles: preliminary results
    • Alexandre PICHARD, Cancer Research Institute of Montpellier (Montpellier) - 177Lu-lilotomab is more efficient than rituximab in the therapy of non-Hodgkin B lymphoma cells showing reduced Wee1-mediated phosphorylation of CDK1
    • Aya ABOU HAMMOUD, Bordeaux Research in Translational Oncology (Bordeaux) - Discoidin Domain Receptor 2 (DDR2) involvement in matrix degradation in a tumor neo-angiogenesis context

Thursday 16th November - Plenary sesssions dedicated to tumor heterogeneity:

  • 8:30 - 10:30 : The different sides of tumor heterogeneity
    Chairs: Karine DUDAND, Daniel FISHER 

    • Frédéric CHIBONCancer Research Center of Toulouse (Toulouse) - Beyond the genetic intra-tumoral heterogeneity of Sarcomas
    • Guillaume BELTHIER, Institute for Functional Genomics (Montpellier) - A new promising marker for CTCs with CSC properties ?
    • Margaux SALA, Bordeaux Research in Translational Oncology (Bordeaux) - Involvement of discoidin domain receptor 1 and 2 in resistance during melanoma
    • Andréï TURTOI, Institute of Cancer Research of Montpellier (Montpellier) - Cancer-Assciated Fibroblasts: Tumor Allies and Foes


  • 11:00 - 12:30 : Single Cell technology
    Chairs: Anne-Marie GUE, Eric JULIEN 

    • KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Chris BAKALInstitute of Cancer Research (London, UK) - Lecture: Using image-omics to understand how changes in cell shape drive cancer 
    • Olivier CUVIERCenter for Integrative Biology (Toulouse) - Chromatin-encoded transcriptional memory : novel insights from single-cell omics
    • Françoise ARGOUL, Waves and Matter Laboratory of Aquitaine (Bordeaux) and Physics Laboratory (Lyon) - Prodding single leukemia cells with nanoprobes provides cancer clues
    • Jean-Jacques FOURNIE, Cancer Research Center of Toulouse (Toulouse) - What to expect from scRNASeq analyses ?


  • 14:30 - 16:00 : Precision medicine: to go where ? (1)
    Chairs: Gilles FAVRE, David TOUGERON 

    • KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Patrick MEHLENCancer research Centre of Lyon (Lyon) - Lecture: Targeting dependence receptors: from a cell biology paradigm to clinical trial
    • Catherine CHEZE LE RESTUniversity Hospital (Poitiers) - Multiparametric and multimodality imaging for prognostic and predictive modeling in oncology
    • Jean-Philippe MERLIO, Bordeaux Research in Translational Oncology / University Hospital (Bordeaux) - The expression pattern of PD-L1 and PD-L2 in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, leg type underscores pitfalls of routine immunohistochemical assessment
    • Camille EVRARD, University Hospital (Poitiers) - KRASCIPANC: Pronostic and predictive value of circulating DNA in unressectable pancreatic adenocarcinoma


  • 16:30 - 18:30 : Precision medicine: to go where ? (2)
    Chairs: Gilles FAVRE, Philippe GORRY 

    • KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Fabrice ANDREInstitut Gustave Roussy (Paris) - Lecture
    • KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Sophie DAYImperial College (London) - Lecture
    • KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Isabelle DURAND-ZALESKI, Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (Paris) - Lecture 
    • Round table



Friday 17th November - 2 parallel workshops and plenary session:

Parallel session organized by Axis 1 - Cell Signaling and Therapeutic Targets

  • 8:30 - 10:15 : Tumor niche and microenvironment
    Chairs: Bruno CONSTANTIN, Julie PANNEQUIN 
    • KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Simone P. NICLOU, Luxembourg Institute of Health (Luxembourg) - Lecture: Tumour-host interactions in Glioblastoma
    • Catherine MULLER, Institute of Pharmacology and Structural Biology (Toulouse) - Dissemination of prostate cancer : a way paved of fat
    • Christos PETROPOULOS, University Hospital / Clinical and Experimental Neurosciences Laboratory (Poitiers) - Functional invadopodia formed in glioblastoma stem cells drive tumor angiogenesis
    • Nicolas LARMONIER, Immunology from Concept and Experiments to Translation (Bordeaux) - T helper 9 lymphocytes in cancer
    • Marie SIMONNEAU, Inflammation, Epithelial Tissus and Cytokines Laboratory (Poitiers) - Oncostatin M promotes tumor progression in skin squamous-cell carcinoma

Parallel session organized by Axis 5 - Health technologies

  • 8:30 - 10:15 : High-resolution imaging & Cancer
    Chairs: Laurent COGNET, Vincent COUDERC 

    • KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Gerhard SCHUTZTechnical University (Vienna) - Lecture: The enigmatic role of lipids for membrane protein interaction: a microscopist's point of view
    • Philippe LEPROUXXLim (Limoges) - Multimodal imaging under supercontinuum illumination and electric field stimulation
    • Pierre BONInstitut Optique Graduate School (Bordeaux) - Quantitative Phase Imaging, from white light imaging to fluorescence super-resolution
    • Haitham SHABAN, Laboratory of Eukaryotic Molecular Biology / Integrative Biology Center (Toulouse) - Quantitative analysis of chromatin complexes dynamics at sub-diffraction resolution during transcription
    • Laurent COGNET, Institut Optique / Photonics, Numeric and Nanosciences Laboratory (Talence) - Quantitative optical microscopy of infrared nano-markers for cancer tissue characterization

Plenary session

  • 10:45 - 12:15 : Metastatic disease
    Chairs: Gilles FAVRE, Julie PANNEQUIN 

    • KEYNOTE SPEAKER : Giorgio STASSI, University of Palermo (Palermo) - Lecture: PI3K-driven survival of colorectal cancer stem cells is overcame by MAPK inhibition
    • Serge ROCHE, Montpellier Cell Biology Research Center (Montpellier) - Metastatic activity of the receptor tyrosine kinase for collagens DDR1 in colorectal cancer


Mercredi 15 et Jeudi 16 Novembre, sessions parallèles organisées par l'Axe 4 - Cancer, enjeux individuels et collectifs

Mercredi 15 Novembre

  • 14:00 - 16:00 : Dépistage
    Modération: Annie SASCO

    • ORATEUR INVITE: Andréas ULLRICHOrganisation mondiale de la santé (Genève) - Conférence: Les enjeux du dépistage
    • Caroline Tournoux FACON & Isabelle INGRAND, Structure de gestion des dépistages organisées des cancers dans la Vienne et Unité de biostatistique et d'épidémiologie (Poitiers) - Rôle des professionnels de santé dans l’information donnée aux femmes dans le cadre du dépistage
    • Isabelle INGRAND & Ludovic GAUSSOT, Unité de biostatistique et d'épidémiologie et GRESCO (Poitiers) - Regards croisés sur l'efficacité d'une intervention personnalisée dans le dépistage ciblé du cancer colorectal. Etude Color2
    • Marie POISEUIL - Registre général des cancers de la Gironde (Bordeaux) - Rôle des inégalités sociodémographiques sur la survie des femmes ayant un cancer du sein selon leur participation au dépistage


  •  16:30 - 18:00 : Relation médecin - malade et Prise en charge (1)
    Modération: Dolores ALBARRACIN
    • ORATEUR INVITE: Christine REYNAERT, Université Catholique de Louvain (Louvain) - Conférence: "Je t'écoute... moi non plus" à propos de la communication médecin patient
    • Stéphane JOUFFRE et Dolorès ALBARRACIN, CERCA et CAPS  (Poitiers)  - Ethiques et soins palliatifs: la perception des médecins du dispositif des directives anticipées écrites par leurs patients.
    • Isabelle INGRAND et Estelle LAURENT, INSERM CIC 1402 CHU de Poitiers et GRESCO (Poitiers)  - Analyse de la relation médecin/patient/proche dans le cadre de l'annonce d'une "mauvaise nouvelle" en oncologie - étude BABEL.
    • Sarah HABIB-HADEF, ONCODEFI (Montpellier)  - Obstacles aux soins et à la prise en charge du cancer des personnes déficientes intellectuelles.


Jeudi 16 Novembre

  • 11:00 - 12:30 : Relation médecin - malade et prise en charge (2)
    Modération: Dolores Albaraccin
    • ORATEUR INVITE: Raphaël HAMMER, HESAV (Lausanne) - Conférence: Entre enjeux théoriques et transformations sociétales: la confiance dans la relation médecin-patient
    • Annick TIJOU-TRAORELes Afriques dans le Monde (Bordeaux) - Choisir et vivre son traitement contre le cancer quand on est âgé et polypathologique
    • Anita MEIDANI & Arnaud ALESSANDRIN, LISST & Centre Emile Durkheim (Toulouse, Bordeaux) - La relation soignant·e·s / soigné·e·s au prisme du genre


  •  14:30 - 16:00 : Chronicité et guérison
    Modérarion: Béatrice Jacques
    • ORATEUR INVITE: Angélique BONNAUD-ANTIGNACInstitut de Cancérologie de L'Ouest & Inserm (Nantes) - Conférence: Le cancer: une maladie chronique? Ou l'impossible guérison
    • Ludovic GAUSSOT, GRESCO (Poitiers) - L’expérience de la maladie chronique - éducation thérapeutique, insertion, socialisation
    • David SAINT MARC, Centre Emile Durkheim (Bordeaux) - Autonomie et chronicité