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Chromatin meets south 2014 - 16-17 juin 2014

Séminaires/ Congrès

A lieu le 16 juin 2014 à partir de 13h30
jusqu'au 17 juin 2014 à 15h30

  • Lieu : Genopolys, Campus Arnaud de Villeneuve, Montpellier
  • Organisateur : Eric JULIEN (IGMM) & Corinne GREY (IGH)


Meeting scope : This informal 2-day meeting is the 4th edition in the conference series "Chromatin Meets South", that will be held in Montpellier (Genopolys) on the 16 & 17 june 2014. As always, it is focused on fundamental aspects of chromatin biology and on the latest developments in understanding chromatin structure and function, gene expression and genome integrity during normal and neoplasia development. This meeting will bring together leading labs, historically from the South of France, working  in the broad areas of chromatin and nuclear processes to explore outstanding questions in the field and enable participants to identify new research opportunities and collaborations, particularly in cancer field. This meeting should also allow PhD students to present their first work to a large audience.

Registration and talks proposals :
Oral presentations are welcomed (that will compose the final program) from all areas relevant to chromatin research. Note of, there is no poster session during this meeting.
Deadline for submision : 8th of May 2014.
The conference is free but registration is mandatory. Participants are limited to 60 and have to take care for their accommodation and transport.
More information can be found at the meeting website>>

Meeting Agenda : The conference will start June 16th at 13h30 at Genopolys, next to the IGH in Montpellier. Talks will start at 14h and last until 18h30. The talks will be followed by an "apéritif dinatoire" on the spot. The next day, the talks will start at 9h and end around 15h30. Lunch will be served at Genopolys.



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